Acts 1:8

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Newbridge Baptist Church is a missions minded church, as we strive to model our church after Acts 1:8.  We support local, state, and international missions. Not only do we support financially, but we are involved in various mission projects throughout the year.  We try to teach our children and youth about missions and how to serve, no matter your age, by providing our church body various opportunities throughout the year from our children’s program through our seniors group.

Mission opportunities include:

-Fundraising & Offerings for local ministries

-Care packages for those in need

-Mission trips

-Local mission projects for community members in need

Newbridge hosts a WMU: Women’s Mission Union Team and Sword and Trowel (Men’s Discipleship and Missions Team).  Each of these groups meet the 4th Wednesday of each month.  Some examples of projects these groups have completed include care packages to the local prison, hosting a booth at the WNC fair, and gathering donations for Operation Christmas Child. 

Newbridge has a group of men and women who are specifically trained for disaster relief work through Baptists on Mission and who are also dedicated to using some of those skills to help local community members in need, such as building ramps for the elderly. 

We also host an event each year for members of Baptists on Mission from around the area to gather and train on disaster relief work.